Friday, December 24, 2010

penang+wedding=when i'm getting married?????

ak g wed sdre at penang..
tp bosan gle laaa.....
ta twu na wtpe...
pnt pon pnt gak.....
ad owg komen ak pnye r...
dy kate ak pnye blog nie ta cm keinsafan lgsung..
oke cm nie r...
bru2 nie ad owg ckp ak smething...
tp ak saba jela...
na wt cmne en...
allah je yg twu aty ak cmne..
mybnie balasan tok ak kot..
coz ak pon pna wt cm2...
jht kn ak..
to kowg sume..
jgn wt cm ak tau..
ak syg kowg even ak ta knl kowg..
k la..
laptop nie cm na abeh b3 da...
nty ak 2leh ag ek.....

Saturday, December 11, 2010


nty da na bkk skowl daaa...
ta puas cty..
omwork pon ta ceap ag...
erm ak dmm..
mak n adq ak pon dmm gak..
smpai mkck ak anta tok n wan ak dtg uma..
akq sdre ak pon ad skli..
nie on9 nan dy laa nie..
rndu kwn2...
rndu ckgu..
taon dpn spm..
tkot laaa...
23 nie result ank sdre ak kua..
ta twu laa cmne result dowg..
ak lak yg tkot...
hopefully dowg dpt result yg oke..
ta twu na 2leh pe ag..
nty laa ak 2leh ag..

Thursday, October 21, 2010


ak da abeh exam...
k r..
tana ckp manyak2..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

rye! rye! rye!!!!

ary nie ak on9 at uma k'mai..
akq sdre ak..
pe na cer sal aye ek???
ak rye at uma tok..
cm bese r..
ne ag en..
wet aye??
ta byk pon..
ad la lm rm80++..
2 pon dok uma je..
ta sngke..
da bsa pnjg cmnie pon ad owg na bg ag..
tp ad gak yg ta bg..
na wt cmne en..
da bsa..
taon nie rye ta bez sgt..
ta meriah..
ta rmai yg ad...
rye 1st ak aye at uma akq sdre at sbrang perak..
then ptg 2 bru lek kg..
cdg sok na g t.i..
na aye uma yanie..
tp tgk r dlu cmne..
ak nan dy??
oke je..
tp ad gak gdo sket2..
bese r 2..
ak rndu kwn2 ak..
at t.i..
at i-gop..
sume r..
ta twu la na ckp pe ag..
pndai2 r..
at cnie ak na ucapkn..

Monday, September 6, 2010

salam mesra ikhlas abadi selamanya...

na cte..
ak ary 2 cm ta rpt da nan kwn2 ak..
tp skg da oke kot..
tape la..
dugaan bln pose nie..
ak ad pic na ltk..

tgge yg suram........

nme yg cute....

kmi yg comel.....(ak yg at tpi skli dri kiri..)
nie geng ak at sne..
smpai ble2..
kmi ttp akn bsme..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


rye da na dkt...
ak mnx mf lau ad wt slh at spe2 yg knl ak..
ak nie bkn mnsie yg smpurne...
sdey tol...
pose ta pnoh..
ble r dpt pnoh nie...
rye da dkt..
ramadhan na g..
agk2 taon dpn dpt jmpe ramadhan ag ta??
insyaallah dpt..
act ak na on9 fb..
tp ta ley bkk lak..
kne blok..
sbo je la..
rye nie lau ajen dtg r uma...
tp wetr aye tade r..
pe yg ak mrpek nie...
bjet kowg twu je uma ak atne..
ag bpe jam je ag..
jap ag bkk r...
ak na cer sal kwn ak..
skg nie ak ase cm da tade kwn..
ke ak yg upe kwn???
mina ckp ak sombong nan dy..
tp ak sntiase egt dy..
cme tade mse na cntct je..
yg at t.i lak..
ble ak cntct,ad je alsn...
bru text jap,da kte ad kje r..
mcm2 r..
tp tape r..
ntah2 tol dowg ad kje..
yg at sni lak cm pinggirkn ak..
skg nie yg rpt nan ak pon qilah,hanin,miena..
yg len cm na tana je lyn ak..
slh ak kot???
ak nie en over..
yg rpt nan ak dlu pon skg nie da jao dr ak..
lau dlu ad gak dowg ajk ak g ne2..
tp skg egt ak pon ta...
ke slh ak yg ta g ikot dowg???
tp na wt cmne..
da tkdir ak kot..
tape la..
maybe nie ujian ALLAH tok owg jht cm ak nie kot..
tp yg pntg..
bg ak..
bia pon dowg ta lyn ak da...
dowg ttp kwn ak dnie akhirat..
skli ak knl owg tue,slmeny dy ttp kwn ak...
ak syg kwn2 ak..
k la..
da asar..
len kli ak 2leh ag..
2 pon lau ak ad mood na 2leh..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

tya bg on9!!!!

dpt on9 ary nie..
tp on9 at tmpt junior..
nme dy tya..
bek tol bg ak on9..
dy da bce..
da tnye ak pon..
spe owg 2..
tp phm2 sndri da la..
smpene na merdeka nie..
ak joint tarian..
1st time kot..
bdn pon kayu je..
tp sronok kot..
skg tade ar kyu sgt bdn ak..
da lmbut sket..
nty lau ad owg rakam..
ak mskkn lm nie..
cmne r upe ak nty en..
rndu at kwn2 at cnvent..
pe r cer dowg???
hopefully ceat walafiat..
k r..
ak na share quote nie je..
to love someone is nothing,
to be love by someone is something,
to be love by someone that u love is exciting,
but to be love by ALLAH AZZAWAJALLA is EVERYTHING.....
 *disini syara yg comel tgah mnyib0k
to nadu
:gud luck in everything u do
syg kaw

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

posto! posto!!

ary nie ley on9 at skowl..
ak da ceaT..
td ad presentation for oeat...
oral english assement test.
seb bek ta kne ag..
sok kot..
ak ta twu na share pe ary nie..
pk dlu..
how about ak pnye oral..
oke gak..
oke here is the way to make a batik cake..

how to make a batik cake???
400g rich tea biscuits (break into small pieces) shopping list
3 eggs shopping list
1 1/2 cup brown sugar shopping list
250g butter shopping list
3/4 cup cocoa powder shopping list
1/2 cup fresh milk shopping list
How to make it
In a bowl, whick sugar, egg, milk and cocoa powder.
Then, in a pan, place butter and heat over slow fire.
Add the whisked ingredients to the butter, stirring continuously.
Once thickened, add the broken biscuits and turn the heat off.
Slowly combine all the biscuits together. Ensure that all the biscuits are covered in the chocolate paste.
Place the mixture in a square tin(line it with greaseproof paper or foil).
Then press gently to ensure that all the biscuits stick to each other.
Place in fridge 3 to 4 hours before cutting with a HOT knife to get a clean cut. 

hope kowg enjoy wt nie...
nty ak tulis ag ye..

Thursday, August 12, 2010


ak bengang gle r..
cbe bygkn..
kowg ad blak..
tp time kowg cty,dy cm na tana je lyn kowg..
bengang ta..
tp na wt cmne..
bia r at dy..
pnt cmni..
ta twu na tulis pe ag..
mc da na abeh..
ta twu ble ley update blog nie ag..
nty ad test..
pray 4 me...
to all my buddies..
luv u all..
ak na share smething ag nan kowg..
bout friendship...

Five simple things to appreciate your friends

I would like to share with you the 5 simple things that can help you appreciate your friends.

=)Listen: Friendship always listens. Similarly you need to give your ear while conversing with your friends. Listen what they like and dislike, listen to their question and opinion. Listen and do not judge too fast, and you will learn a lot from them.

=)Observe: Sometimes you just could not aware your friends’ strength just from the relationship you have with him/her. His/her strength may compliment others and not you. That’s why you need to observe his/her relationship with others. It is a way that you can see how he/she has really become a great friend.

=)Remember first: For a few friends that I have listed down there, I just started with the name first. I just somehow so thankful of this friend, and I want to put him/her in the list. The title/uniqueness comes later, amazingly in few minutes I can find a little thing that I can be thankful of from them. And from there I can describe much more.

=)Have a miracle from them: Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Take the little things that your friend has done to you as a miracle, an encouragement is a miracle, an SMS or a simple gift is also a miracle. A pat in the back is a miracle, even how they call you brother/sister is also a miracle. That’s a secret of how you can find happiness in your daily life as well. Have a miracle everyday from your friend.

=)Believe: How do you bring the best in people? John Maxwell shared that “believing the best in people usually brings the best out of people.” Give your friends the benefit of the doubt. What does that mean? If you are doubting on the motive/reason behind their behavior, learn to give them the benefit of your doubt, means that try to always take it as they have the right motive behind. My manager, Dayal, taught me on the principle as well, he said… “Trust anyone until you have got a proof that you can’t trust them.” Give your friend your trust and you will bring the best out of them.

One last tip:

Do not let situation matter more than the relationship. Do not let disagreement to ruin the relationship. Remember the good time and you will appreciate your friend more.

that's all..
enjoy ur life..
syg kowg..


to all my buddies..
1st time tulis nie..
actually dlu da ad da..
tp lpe psword..
wat la blog len..
ak kat uma nie..
fly dr skola..
tade r..
actually dpt mc..
4 ary beb..
tp x twu na wt ape..
td wat add math..
pas2 png ple otak..
tgl tros..
nnty la wat lek..
ary nie second day puase..
stkt nie ak puase pnuh ag..
x tgl..
ne ley tgl..
dse bsa 2..
oke la..
drpd ak dok mrepek nie..
bek ak share ngn korg..
pe pekdah bln pose nie..

Faedah Berpuasa itu amat Besar yaitu :
  1. Orang yang berpuasa menahan hawa nafsu dari makan minum dan segala yang membatalakannya sejak dari terbit fajar hingga terbenam matahari tentulah dapat menimbulkan perasaan dalam hatinya, ingin menolong fakir miskin.
  2. Menanamkan sifat sabar, karena orang yang berpuasa terdidik menahan lapar, haus dan nafsu tebtu akan berhati sabar dalam menahan segala kesukaran dan kesengsaraan.
  3. Mendidik bersifat amanah, karena dengan berpuasa dapat melatih diri menjadi orang yang dapat dipercaya. Meskipun dalam keadaan lapar dan haus, segala yang akan dimakan dan diminum sudah tersedia, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang mengetahui, namun iya sedikit pun tidak mau makan atau minum dengan demikian jiwa orang yang berpuasa itu akan terbentuk sikap dapat dipercaya oleh orang lain. Dan dengan puasa itu mendidik seseorang menjauhi hak orang lain (yang bukan haknya sendiri) walapun begitu kuat dorongan hawa nafsunya.
  4. Mendidik bersifat shidiq (benar) karena dengan puasa orang dapat menjaga diri dari sifat pendusta (pembohong) sebab sifat pendusta itu dapat menghapus pahala puasa dan dilarang keras oleh Allah Ta’ala.
  5. Menambah kesehatan, karena orang yang berpuasa itu menahan nafsunya dari makan, minum dan lain-lainnya, oleh karena itu terjaga kesehatannya. kita mengetahui bahwa penyakit-penyakit itu berawal dari perut. Sebab semua yang telah dimakan dan diminum tersimpan dalam perut, dan jika kurang pemeliharaannya, tentu akan merusak kesehatan. Maka dengan berpuasa perut kits dikosongkan dan dibersihkan dari segala kotoran, yang dapat menjauhkan dari berbagai penyakit. Bukan hanya penyakit lahir saja, tetapi penyakit batin pun akan tercuci dengan berpuasa.
kowg dpt amek iktibar pe yg ak tulis nie..